-ON THIS PAGE 📃 YOU WILL FIND HANDWRITTEN NOTES OF fundamental in c++ AND Also A reference about Inheritance in c++ 

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It is also important topic on C++

Reference on Fundamentals in c++


C++ is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979. It is an extension of the C programming language, and was designed to be an efficient, high-level language that is easy to read and write. 

Here are some fundamental concepts in C++ that you should be familiar with if you are learning the language:


A variable is a named location in memory that can store a value of a particular type. In C++, you must specify the type of a variable when you declare it, and you can only store values of that type in the variable.

2.Data types:

 C++ has a number of built-in data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Boolean values. You can also define your own custom data types using structs or classes.


Operators are special symbols that perform operations on variables and values. C++ has a variety of operators, including arithmetic operators (e.g., +, -, *, /), relational operators (e.g., >, <, ==, !=), and logical operators (e.g., &&, ||, !).

4.Control structures:

 Control structures are used to control the flow of execution in a program. C++ has several types of control structures, including if statements, for loops, and while loops.


A function is a block of code that performs a specific task. You can define your own functions in C++, and you can also use functions from the standard library or other libraries.

6.Objects and classes: 

As an object-oriented language, C++ allows you to define classes, which are templates for creating objects. An object is an instance of a class, and it has its own state (i.e., member variables) and behavior (i.e., member functions).


A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Pointers are useful in C++ because they allow you to manipulate the memory directly and can improve the efficiency of certain operations.


Inheritance is a way to create a new class that is a modified version of an existing class. The new class is called the derived class, and the existing class is the base class. The derived class inherits the member variables and member functions of the base class, and can also have additional member variables and functions of its own.

Characteristics Of c++

1.C++ is a high-level programming language, which means that it is easier to read and write than low-level languages like assembly.

2.C++ is a compiled language, which means that it is transformed into machine code that can be executed directly by the computer.

3.C++ is an object-oriented language, which means that it allows programmers to create "objects" that represent real-world entities and the actions that can be performed on them.

4.C++ is a statically-typed language, which means that variables have a fixed type that is determined at compile-time.

5.C++ has a variety of data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, characters, and Boolean values.

6.C++ has a wide range of operators for performing operations on variables and values.

7.C++ has several control structures for controlling the flow of execution in a program, including if statements, for loops, and while loops.

8.C++ allows you to define your own functions and use functions from the standard library or other libraries.

9.C++ has a rich set of features for creating and using objects and classes.

10.C++ allows you to use pointers to manipulate the memory directly and improve the efficiency of certain operations.

11.C++ has support for inheritance, which allows you to create a new class based on an existing class.

Benefits of C++

Here are some benefits of using C++ in brief:

1.C++ is a fast and efficient language, which makes it well-suited for programs that require a lot of computation or that need to run quickly.

2.C++ has a large and active community of developers, which means that there is a wealth of resources available for learning and using the language.

3.C++ is used in a wide variety of applications, from operating systems and web servers to games and scientific simulations.

4.C++ is a versatile language that can be used for many different types of programming tasks.

5.C++ is an object-oriented language, which makes it easier to design and organize complex programs.

6.C++ has a rich set of features for creating and using objects and classes, which can make it easier to write reusable and maintainable code.

7.C++ allows you to use pointers and manipulate the memory directly, which can make it easier to write efficient and high-performance code.

8.C++ has a large standard library that provides a wide range of useful functions and data structures.

9.C++ is a widely-used language, which means that there are many libraries and frameworks available for use with C++, and it is easy to find developers who are experienced with the language.





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